
Clifton StrengthsFinder

and INSIGHT Inventory


Add depth and breath to your leadership training, team-building workshops, and career development programs by using the Clifton StrengthsFinder and INSIGHT Inventory together. These assessments measure different aspects of personality, yet complement each other when used together.

You’ll increase participant’s engagement, self-awaremess, and communication skills.


Video 1: Using the Clifton StrengthsFinder with the INSIGHT Inventory adds depth to leadership training.

When used together, Gallup’s Clifton StrengthsFinder and the INSIGHT Inventory complement each other. Where one zigs, the other zags.

Using the two together enriches leadership training, team building workshops, and communication seminars.

Learn how to increase the engagement of participants by using these two powerful personality assessments together.


Video 2:  Similarities between StrengthsFinder and INSIGHT Inventory

Although unique and different in design and results, both assessments have these similarities:

•  Positive psychology

•  Focused on Strengths

•  Easy access for users

•  Deep facilitator support


Video 3: Differences between StrengthsFinder and INSIGHT Inventory

The differences help add different content to training sessions. Differences may also reveal which assessment might be the best to use when time is limited.

Differences include: traits vs. themes, environment vs. internal, adapting vs. discovery, observer rating & 360 vs. self-rating only, self-scoring and online vs. online only



Video 4: Examples of how to use StrengthsFinder and INSIGHT Inventory together.

The following examples help demonstrate how StrengthsFinder and INSIGHT Inventory both provide unique information for users.

Review how two people with similar StrengthsFinder top 5 themes, but with different INSIGHT Inventory traits, come across to others. Then note how two people with similar INSIGHT Inventory profiles, but with  different StrengthsFinder themes behave and what can be learned.



Video 5

Free Downloads

Watch this short video describing the free handouts to use in your training and team building. Then download and print out the handouts you find most helpful.

INSIGHT Inventory

Easy-to-read chart for posting on a training room wall.



Top 5 Personality themes for posting on a training room wall.


Team Map

Print this INSIGHT Inventory Team Map for posting to a wall or sharing in small groups.